Common Household Plants Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

One of the most frequently searched questions before purchasing a household plant is whether their plant is toxic to animals. Cats and dogs both have specific varieties to be cautious of. While some plants cause slight irritation and vomiting, others can have more serious consequences especially if a large a mount is directly ingested. Americans two most popular pets have a habit of curiously smelling, chewing, and eating houseplants, so this is an important step to consider before dropping any money. Today I’ll be pointing out a few of the most popular plants causing pets to get sick as well as the specific symptoms they cause.


The beautiful Monstera has grown in popularity quickly and that’s not surprising! Monstera leaves have a unique parted look and relatively low barriers for care. One downside is the fact that they contain insoluble calcium oxalates, causing excessive drooling and vomiting in cats (

Snake Plants

Snake plants are an amazing addition to office spaces or at home even in areas without direct sunlight. Their leaves, while great for air quality improvements, contain saponins that can cause trouble with ingestion and swallowing in both cats and dogs. I write this while both owning a cat and having a snake plant directly on my desk. That’s just to say reconciling some of the minor risks by making sure your pet can’t or knows not to eat the plant works fine most of the time. If your pet is especially bad with this habit, it may be best to look at other options. 


Begonias are the last example for today and like snake plants cause irritation to cats and dogs when ingested. They are truly some of my favorite plants and come in a massive number of varieties. The most toxic part of the plant is underground and therefor – so long as your pet is not literally digging it out the ground – you will be safe from any major health concerns.

I hope you found this informative and remind your friends to check before any major purchase of an indoor or outdoor plant!


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