White Shi Shi October Magic Camellia Sasanqua

The "Up & Coming" Camellia Sasanqua!

We all know and love the classic ‘Shi Shi Gashira’ for it’s slow-growth, evergreen foliage, and relatively low maintenance. For the longest time, I’ve had gardeners asking me for something similar but with different color blooms. The Shi Shi Gashiras have such a unique growth habit that it’s been difficult to make suggestions they took to, but with the introduction of the White Shi Shi we now have another fantastic option!

A True Dwarf

The White Shi Shi, or October Magic Camellia Sasanqua, was introduced by Southern Living Plant Collection. The shrub grows small when compared to the rest of the camellia sasanqua family, staying about 3-4 ft tall and around. Even better, it takes quite a while to reach those sizes as that is the estimated peak. You can keep these plants much smaller if you prefer, as many gardeners do. Compared to the Shi Shi Gashira, the White Shi Shi is considered a true dwarf. One of the complaints about the Gashira was that it often exceeded the estimated maturity size.

White Shi Shi October Magic

Flowers & Foliage

The White Shi Shi’s foliage is dark and evergreen, but new leaves may appear a bit lighter. The size of the leaves varies, but they are smaller than its japonica counterparts.

The blooms of the White Shi Shi are spectacular; porcelain-white with formal double blooms.  You seen them slowly ramp up in numbers around September – October, and they won’t stop until late winter. At its peak, the dwarf and compact habit creates a wall of beautiful white blooms contrast with the dark foliage.

Care & Complimentary Products

Caring for the White Shi Shi is easy enough; it can be planted in near-full sun or partial shade and needs moderate watering depending on the season. Try to water more regularly in the summers, and back off slightly as you get closer to the bloom season. Southern Living suggests waiting to prune until early in the spring season. For our Louisianian readers, we’ll also suggest a generous layer of mulch to protect the root systems.

We have camellia sasanqua specific fertilizers in our stores that pair great with this beautiful shrub. Try out a systemic insecticide or fungicide combo fertilizer to stop bugs and pests while also boosting those unique blooms.

Azalea, Camellia, Rhododendron Food, a granular fertilizer product from fertilome.

If you’re looking for a small, evergreen, flowering shrub with low maintenance and a winter bloom period, the white shi shi is an amazing addition to any garden or landscape. 

Find out more about the White Shi Shi October Magic Camellia Sasanqua directly from Southern Living Plant Collection!


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